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Matthew Siebecker, PhD

Testbeds Coordinator

Dr. Siebecker is an Assistant Professor of Applied Environmental Soil Chemistry in the Department of Plant and Soil Science at Texas Tech University. His research focuses on the fundamental and applied aspects of soil chemical cycling, such as adsorption, surface precipitation, and redox. His work focuses on both mechanistic and applied processes related to heavy metal soil contaminants and plant nutrients within clay mineral, oxide, and soil systems. Within CASFER, his team focuses on nitrogen cycling within novel fertilizer systems in collaboration with the Department of Chemical Engineering, where they quantify nitrogen species and solubility within fertilizers applied to soil. He also works to strengthen Testbed research and participation.


He is an active member in the Soil Science Society of America (SSSA) and is a member of the American Chemical Society (ACS) and the Geochemical Society. He currently serves on the National Synchrotron Light Source II (NSLS II) Proposal Review Panel (PRP). Links to: Group Website ( and Google Scholar (

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